A Sad story behind this picture (Israel-Gaza conflict - 2014 august)

22:42 by

"War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueller it is, the sooner it will be over."
-William Tecumseh Sherman

More than three thousands civilian of Palestine and Israel have been killed during the Conflict of Israel and Gaza.
But it's not first time happening this that when power goes to the gunman (Solders in war), then their target becomes several innocent people. In this picture, Muhammed al-Durra tried to protect to his first child martyr of the 1st Intifada but unfortunately he could not do that, shot in cold blood by Israeli snipers in amidst crossfire

Israel-Gaza conflict, sad story behind the picture, shot dead

(Muhammed al-Durra tried to protect to his first child martyr of the 1st Intifada in amidst crossfire but unfortunately he could not do that, shot in cold blood by Israeli snipers.)


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